
This blog is dedicated to the Midob people of Northern Darfur. It is my hope that their beautiful language will continue to enrich the linguistic and cultural landscape of Sudan.
Currently I'm collecting and editing some material and want to make it available here. I'd be glad if other people join in and start contributing - please don't hesitate to contact me (see the contact form at the right). And I hope, that the linguistic community, but also especially the speakers of Midob will benefit from the information gathering here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First sentences glossed

I have the privilege of working on Material from Roland Werner, who did linguistic field work on Midob (Urrti dialect) in 1987-88 and could publish only a part of his material in his book Tìdn-áal: A Study of Midob (Darfur-Nubian), Berlin: Reimer, 1993. He kindly gave me his material and the permission to make more of it available - so here is the first part:


These are sentences like the text documentation of the book of Roland Werner (p.66 ff). The interlinear gloss I added has not the detail and consistency recommended by Lehmann rules, but should give a basic idea of how the sentences work. Phonetic transcription mainly follows the book, but I might switch to the more phonetic way he used in his notebooks (i.e. [ng] as [ŋ]). Currently I have 2569 sentences in electronic format (including some duplicates) plus some narrations and sentences from handwritten notebooks which I hope to make available as it is ready.

Comments are welcome.